Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Beowulf s Beowulf - 968 Words

Dane Chelcun Mrs. Schroder English IV 21 September 2017 Battle Comparison Beowulf is a story about the quests and battles that the main character, Beowulf, endures. Though he faces many challenges, he is able to overcome them because of his superhuman strength and braveness. During the story, Beowulf fights three beasts: Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and a Dragon. With the strength of 30 men in each hand grip, magical weapons, and the support of Wiglaf, his right hand man, Beowulf is able to defeat all three beasts, but suffers a fatal blow in his last battle against the Dragon. In the first of Beowulf’s three battles, he challenges Grendel, a disgusting monster who has been ruthlessly murdering the people of Heorot and turning them into†¦show more content†¦She retaliates by attacking the city, just as Grendel did before he was defeated. Beowulf, realizing this was going to be a similar beast to Grendel, was going to have to fight her alone. This time, Beowulf is going to go on the offensive and attack Grendel’ s mother in her lair underneath the lake. Grasping a breath of air, Beowulf dives into the lake and spends a day swimming to the lair. Upon his arrival, Beowulf is immediately attacked by Grendel’s mother but his armor protects him. He is pulled further into the lair and realizes that she is much tougher than Grendel was and that he won’t be able to defeat her with his bare hands. He spots a sword in the lair and grabs it. In one big swing, Beowulf severs her head, and she falls to the ground. Another victory for Beowulf and the people of Heorot. Beowulf then spots Grendel’s body on the ground and in a rage, severs his head too. Beowulf then returns to Heorot and is crowned the ruler of the city and the Danes. Shortly after the defeat of Grendel’s mother, a 50 foot dragon began attacking the city of Heorot. The dragon flew all over the land, burning and destroying everything, because someone stole his golden cup. The city of Heorot was almost completely d estroyed and Beowulf yet again, realizes that he is going to have to step up and take down this beast. Beowulf does exactly that and says he will be taking down this dragon, but he isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Beowulf And The Evil 1555 Words   |  7 Pages2016 The Good in Beowulf and the Evil in the Monsters Beowulf is considered to be the oldest surviving poem that is preserved to date. The poem is believed to date back to about the eighth century, and the written manuscript in the eleventh century (Bjork and Obermeir 17; Neidorf 119). 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